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A Virginia man and a woman were arrested and charged with various drug offenses following a traffic stop in Lenoir City.
Lenoir City Police Officer Jamie Ketner watched a car nearly hit another vehicle while backing up in a parking lot and then fail to come to a complete stop for a stop sign. Ketner initiated a traffic stop and discovered four individuals in the car, including Matthew Allan Roth, 32, and Pamela Sue Songer, 42, both of Christiansburg, Va.
Ketner wrote in his report that the driver was nervous while he spoke to her, especially when asked about illegal narcotics. When Songer admitted there was marijuana in the vehicle — indicating a blunt in the back passenger door — Ketner received consent from the driver to search the vehicle.
When Roth stepped out, Ketner noticed he was trying to conceal a backpack. Inside were 27 Gabapentin, 13 5 mg. Oxycodone and nine Clonazepam. An additional 18 Oxycodone, two Clonazepam and a small amount of marijuana were located in the back seat, which Roth and Songer jointly admitted owning.
When searching the trunk, Ketner found a Scooby Doo stuffed animal with tampered stitching. After pulling it apart, he found 84 grams of methamphetamine inside. Roth said he had been given the stuffed animal in Texas to take to Virginia.
Ketner ran the pair’s names through dispatch and learned both had extradition warrants out of Texas and Virginia for dangerous drugs. The two were arrested, while the driver was warned about the stop sign.
Roth was charged with three counts of manufacture, sell, delivery, resale of a Schedule II substance and manufacturing, delivery, sale or possession of meth and held on $9,000 bond.
Songer was charged with three counts of manufacture, sell, delivery, resale of a Schedule II substance and fugitive from justice and held on $60,000 bond.
• Yobi Michael Lopez, 18, Philadelphia, was charged with leaving the scene of an accident with property damage, reckless driving, financial responsibility law, driving without a valid license and driving on roadways laned for traffic and released on 4,000 bond.
• Reger Sami Mohamad Salim Nazmi, 23, Knoxville, was charged with capias-criminal court and released on $2,000 bond.
• Corey Blake Overall, 27, Nashville, was charged with capias-criminal court and released on $1,000 bond.
• Robert Lynn Scott, 32, Knoxville, was charged with capias-general sessions and released on $4,000 bond.
• Bobby Allan Atnip, 31, Fort Payne, Ala., was charged with financial responsibility law, display of registration plate and driving on revoked/suspended license and held on $3,000 bond.
• Fredrick Henry Bailey, 49, Lenoir City, was charged with domestic assault and held without bond.
• Tony Joe Carroll, 40, Sweetwater, was charged with capias-general sessions and released on $1,000 bond.
• Tyson Richard Gerhardt, 39, Loudon, was charged with capias-criminal court and released on $2,500 bond.
• Amanda Sue Howard, 42, Loudon, was charged with capias-general sessions and held on $6,000 bond.
• Bryson Drake Mealer, 20, Lenoir City, was charged with violation of probation and released on $1,000 bond.
• Kenneth Earl Moss, 19, Maynardville, was charged with violation of probation and held on $2,000 bond.
• Clifton Edward Norris, 42, Knoxville, was charged with assisting other agency and released without bond.
• Odilia Yohana Saucedo, 25, Lenoir City, was charged with four counts of theft of property and four counts of forgery and released on $24,000 bond.
• Ethan Alexander Sorrell, 19, Kingston, was charged with driving under the influence and violation of implied consent and released on $2,500 bond.
• Jeffery Michael Stuart, 48, homeless, was charged with public intoxication and held without bond.
• Wilma Faye Christopher, 56, Rockwood, was charged with capias-general sessions and released on $4,000 bond.
• Kevin Edward Cress, 39, Loudon, was charged with violation of probation and held without bond.
• James Derrick Curry, 44, Vonore, was charged with public intoxication and released without bond.
• Reginald Malik Depriest, 25, Loudon, was charged with violation of probation and released on $2,000 bond.
• Christopher Daniel Hopson-Baker, 32, Knoxville, was charged with simple possession/casual exchange, driving under the influence and driving on a revoked/suspended license and released on $5,000 bond.
• Alexia D’Ellen Hunter, 27, homeless, was charged with public intoxication and released on $1,000 bond.
• William Joseph Jenkins, 46, Sweetwater, was charged with capias-criminal court and released on $7,500 bond.
• Brian Beaty, 66, Knoxville, was charged with driving under the influence and released on $1,500 bond.
• Samantha Mae Cox, 22, Sweetwater, was charged with driving under the influence and violation of implied consent and released on $2,000 bond.
• Ramon Garcia Garcia, 20, Loudon, was charged with driving under the influence and no driver’s license and released on $1,500 bond.
• Teresa Jane Hardin, 51, Loudon, was charged with two counts of simple possession/casual exchange and released on $2,000 bond.
• Heather Jean Pilgrim, 49, Lenoir City, was charged with violation of probation and released on $1,000 bond.
• William Joseph Shriver, 35, Sweetwater, was charged with driving on revoked/suspended license and released on $3,000 bond.
• Boreli Atayde-Lopez, 49, Loudon, was charged with illegal taking, possession and destruction of wildlife and released on $1,000 bond.
• Frank James Cochran Jr., 47, Greenville, was charged with simple possession/casual exchange, possession of drug paraphernalia, financial responsibility law, display of registration plate and driving on revoked/suspended license and released on $6,000 bond.
• Chelsey Jo Coker, 26, Philadelphia, was charged with joyriding, driving under the influence and driving on a revoked/suspended license and held on $4,000 bond.
• Marco Agusto Fransisco-Baltazar, 30, Loudon, was charged with illegal taking, possession and destruction of wildlife and released on $1,000 bond.
• Lindsay Lasha Lowery, 33, Cookeville, was charged with capias-general sessions and held without bond.
• Kurt Wayne Roberts, 38, Lenoir City, was charged with violation of order of protection and public intoxication and held on $3,000 bond.
• David Franklin Thomas Jr., 30, Loudon, was charged with simple possession/casual exchange and driving under the influence and released on $3,000 bond.
• Benito Valente Dominguez, 27, Knoxville, was charged with driving under the influence and violation of implied consent and released on $3,000 bond.
• William Derrick Baker, 37, Philadelphia, was charged with capias-criminal court and held on $25,000 bond.
• Johnathon Ben Gibson, 29, Sweetwater, was charged with violation of probation and released on $7,500 bond.
• Freddie Oliver Johnson, 52, Lenoir City, was charged with violation of probation and held without bond.
• Katy Mae Pfeffer, 35, Lenoir City, was charged with theft of property, two counts of fraudulent use of a credit card and capias-general sessions and held on $26,500 bond.
• Joseph Richard Skyberg, 44, Sweetwater, was charged with capias-criminal court and released on $10,000 bond.
• Jefferey Michael Stuart, 48, Lenoir City, was charged with public intoxication and released on $1,000 bond.
• David Blake Bivens II, 46, Sweetwater, was charged with driving on a revoked/suspended license and capias-general sessions and held on $2,000 bond.
• Travis Montana Cantrell, 42, Harriman, was charged with theft of property and held on $2,000 bond.
• Kiaira Hill, 19, Crossville, was charged with driving on a suspended license and released on $2,000 bond.
• Joseph Carl King, 26, Knoxville, was charged with capias-general sessions and released on $2,000 bond.
• George Patrick Locklear, 32, Lenoir City, was charged with violation of probation and fugitive from justice and held on $7,500 bond.
• Edwin Omar Mendez, 22, Knoxville, was charged with assisting other agency and released without bond.
• Preston Michael Price, 19, Corryton, was charged with simple possession/casual exchange and released on $1,000 bond.
• Ashley Nicole Ritchie, 23, Crossville, was charged with contraband in a penal institution and criminal impersonation and held on $21,000 bond.
• Chase Anthony Sanders, 37, Greenback, was charged with reckless endangerment, vehicular assault and driving under the influence and released on $33,000 bond.
• Patricia Jean Tilley, 68, Loudon, was charged with public intoxication and released on $1,000 bond.
• Donnie Ingram Bauswell, 49, Lenoir City, was charged with public intoxication and possession of drug paraphernalia and released on $1,000 bond.
• Tabitha Alyssa Dailey, 32, Loudon, was charged with violation of probation and held without bond.
• Dawn Larissa Felix, 39, Athens, was charged with manufacture, sell, delivery, resale of a Schedule VI substance and driving on revoked license and released on $9,500 bond.
• Timothy Allen Hughes, 39, Madisonville, was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and released on $1,500 bond.
• Luis Fernando Juan-Lopez, 25, Lenoir City, was charged with financial responsibility law and driving on revoked/suspended license and released on $2,000 bond.
• Freddy Molina, 23, Knoxville, was charged with simple possession/casual exchange, manufacturing, delivery, sale or possession of meth and driving without a valid license and released on $32,500 bond.
• Brian Austin Presley, 36, Vonore, was charged with violation of probation and held on $2,000 bond.
• Valerie Jo Robeson, 51, Lenoir City, was charged with domestic assault and released on $1,500 bond.
• Michael Ashley Slack, 51, Englewood, was charged with capias-general sessions and held on $6,000 bond.
• Berniece Aliene Nicole West, 34, Sweetwater, was charged with violation of probation and held on $15,000 bond.
• Charles James Brownwell, 44, Lakewood, Ohio, was charged with public intoxication and held without bond.
• Ethan Michael Fiedler, 23, Lenoir City, was charged with burglary, theft of property and vandalism and released on $5,000 bond.
• Tracy Green Hubbard, 44, Sylvania, Ga., was charged with unlawful carrying or possession of a weapon and released on $30,000 bond.
• Travis Lee Phillips, 35, Lenoir City, was charged with driving under the influence and released on $1,000 bond.
• Renee Jutka Riefler, 35, Chattanooga, was charged with driving under the influence and violation of implied consent and released on $2,500 bond.
• Jonathan Lee Shown, 39, Lenoir City, was charged with violation of probation and released on $2,000 bond.
• Brandon Michael Thomas, 27, Knoxville, was charged with simple possession/casual exchange, driving under the influence and due care and held on $5,000 bond.
• Tiffany Michelle Gamble, 41, Lenoir City, was charged with violation of probation and capias-general sessions and released on $13,500 bond.
• Christian Gonzales, 19, Lenoir City, was charged with violation of probation and capias-general sessions and held on $1,000 bond.
• Connor Christian Haydon, 18, Knoxville, was charged with manufacture, sell, possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and speed limit and released on $12,000 bond.
• Derek Allen Miller, 34, Knoxville, was charged with capias-municipal court and held on $326 bond.
• Scotty Gene Puckett, 50, Lenoir City, was charged with driving on a revoked/suspended license and held on $2,000 bond.
• Brian Kevin Smith, 44, Lenoir City, was charged with violation of probation and released on $7,500 bond.
• Cesar Bahena Vargas, 46, Lenoir City, was charged with domestic assault and held without bond.
• Tyler Hudson Elliott, 22, Loudon, was charged with resisting arrest, possession of a firearm during a dangerous situation, manufacture, sell, delivery, resale of a Schedule VI substance, simple possession/casual exchange, possession of drug paraphernalia and manufacturing, delivery, sale or possession of meth and held on $24,500 bond.
• Matthew Allen Childress, 21, Loudon, was charged with domestic assault and vandalism and held on $2,500 bond.
• Itzia Giovanna Gomez Najera, 30, Lenoir City, was charged with domestic assault and public intoxication and held without bond.
• Liza Leeann Long, 37, Philadelphia, was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, manufacturing, delivery, sale or possession of meth and driving on revoked/suspended license and held without bond.
• Bradley Joe O’Mary, 49, Knoxville, was charged with violation of probation and held without bond.
• Britney Nicole Russell, 32, Loudon, was charged with driving on revoked license and released on $1,000 bond.
• James Scott Baty, 35, Knoxville, was charged with capias-general sessions and released on $5,000 bond.
• William Conard Burgess Jr., 43, Loudon, was charged with driving under the influence and held on $1,500 bond.
• Coty Joe-Edwin Giffin, 34, Lenoir City, was charged with vandalism and public intoxication and held without bond.
• Melissa Michelle McConkey, 40, Lenoir City, was charged with driving on a revoked/suspended license and capias-general sessions and held on $4,000 bond.
• Barbara Jean Merritt, 49, McMinnville, was charged with two counts of capias-criminal court and held on $24,000 bond.
• Randall Robert Russell, 42, Maryville, was charged with violation of probation and held without bond.
• Sean Wesley White, 31, Knoxville, was charged with tampering/fabricating with evidence, manufacture, sell, delivery, resale of a Schedule II substance, manufacture, sell, delivery, resale of a Schedule VI substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and manufacturing, delivery, sale or possession of meth and held without bond.
• Elijah Jenson Wood, 37, Loudon, was charged with violation of probation and held without bond.
• Brandon James Sutherland, 37, Oak Ridge, was charged with criminal impersonation and held without bond.
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